Sage Express

Restaurants & Cafes

Sage Express pride themselves on exacting standards from their coffees to obsession with food and pastries, serving only the best possible treat they can.

Sage Express pride themselves on exacting standards from their coffees to obsession with food and pastries, serving only the best possible treat they can.

Accepts Visa, Mastercard & Amex

Gift cards accepted
Visit for
Vegetarian friendly
Indoor seating
Take away
Casual Dining
Store Information
    • Monday 9am - 4pm
      Tuesday 9am - 4pm
      Wednesday 9am - 4pm
      Thursday 9am - 4pm
      Friday 9am - 4pm
      Saturday 9am - 4pm
      Sunday 10am - 4pm
  • Near Kmart
  • Green Car Park
  • 4365 5569
Find Us
Location: Near Kmart
Parking: Green Car Park

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